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Version: 1.x

Getting started with Gefyra and Colima Kubernetes

This guide will show you how to use Gefyra for the local development of a Kubernetes application running in Colima Kubernetes.


  1. Follow the installation for your preferred platform.

  2. Create a local Kubernetes cluster with colima:

colima start --kubernetes --network-address

Find out the network address of your VM:

colima list
default Running x86_64 2 2GiB 60GiB docker+k3s

Install Gefyra components in the cluster:

gefyra up --host=
  1. Apply some workload, for example from the testing directory of this repo:
kubectl apply -f

Check out this workload running under:

Running Gefyra

  1. Run a local Docker image with Gefyra in order to make it part of the cluster.

    1. Build your Docker image with a local tag, for example from the testing directory: cd testing/images/ && docker build -f Dockerfile.local . -t pyserver
    2. Execute Gefyra's run command:
      gefyra run -i pyserver -N mypyserver -n default
    3. exec into the running container and look around. You will find the container to run within your Kubernetes cluster.
      docker exec -it mypyserver bash
      wget -O- hello-nginx
      will print out the website of the cluster service hello-nginx from within the cluster.
  2. Create a bridge in order to intercept the traffic to the cluster application with the one running locally:

gefyra bridge -N mypyserver -n default --port 8000:80 --target deploy/hello-nginxdemo/hello-nginx

Check out the locally running server comes up under:

  1. List all running bridges:
gefyra list --bridges
  1. Unbridge the local container and reset the cluster to its original state:
gefyra unbridge -N mypybridge

Check out the initial response from:

Cleaning up

  1. Remove Gefyra's components from the cluster with
gefyra down
  1. Remove the locally running Kubernetes cluster with
colima delete

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